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The Metrom Rail AURA Roadway Worker Protection System (RWPS) provides either a portable or zone-based approach to give warning to workers and operators of on-track equipment. The RWPS is the first worker warning system to utilize the advantages of ultra-wide band RF technology, guaranteeing a reliable and precise speed & distance-based platform that can intelligently incorporate existing agency operating standards.
The AURA RWPS can operate as a stand-alone system or as an integral part of the AURA Train Control System. As a stand-alone system, portable wayside nodes are used to define configurable work zones. As part of a networked system, permenently installed nodes create overlapping work zones. In either configuration, operators and workers receive alarms that must be confirmed when a train approaches an active work zone.
The WPS is the ideal tool for both transit and freight agencies seeking to enhance existing safety standards.